The Scór Sinsear County Final took place last Saturday night in a marvelously displayed Skreen/Dromard Community Centre. The crowd in attendance were treated to some great entertainment on the night and the winners of the different disciplines were as follows:
Sean-Nós Dancing: Eileen Leonard - Drumcliffe/Rosses Point
Solo Singing: Noelle Brennan - Coolaney/Mullinabreena
Recitation: Keith Henry - Bunninadden
Instrumental Music: St.Farnan's
Léiriú: St. Molaise Gaels
Ballad Group: St. Molaise Gaels.
Thanks enormously to all who competed on the night. Also special thanks to Fear an Tí Damien McGuinness, to Tireragh CCE for the sound and to the hall committee for the use of their facilities.
The champions will now represent Sligo in the Connacht Final on Saturday 22nd of March in St. Brigid's Hall Tubbercurry at 6pm. All support would be greatly appreciated!
Scór Sinear Table Quiz will take place on Saturday April 5th in Corhownagh Hall. Teams are of four members and should be at the venue for 8pm.